Designed with Fascia in Mind.

The V-Band represents a sea-change in our modern definition of fitness; simultaneously improving alignment, flow, and function. It has been created as an implement to gradually open you up into your fullest physical expression.

  • Fascial Release

    Texturized grip and adaptive stretch aids fascial unwinding & alignment.

  • Posture Correction

    Gentle opposing force enables polyaxial stretch to create open and aligned posture.

  • Mobility Training

    Provides an infinite variety of light resistance to improve mobility, strength and proprioception.

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Pre-Order Coming SOon!

The patent pending V-Band is a 36'' variable resistance band featuring supple stretch, grip, and versatility. It is designed for postural alignment, functional fitness, and myo-fascial release. 

Key Features:

  • Engineered from a single piece of high-strength silicone.
  • Ergonomic handles require no gripping or clenching
  • Unique, "Wave Harmonic" acupressure pattern. 

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We will open up reservations soon.

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The V-Band offers variable resistance, bi-directional tension, and unmatched grip for myofascial release.

It weighs just half a pound and folds to fit any backpack, briefcase, or carry-on.


When is the V-Band Shipping?

The V-Band is currently in production and we expect to ship the first units in June 2024.

What are the risks & challenges of a pre-order?

There could be unforeseen issues that cause delays in production, but we will continually do our best to keep things on time and at the highest quality for our customers.

Why is it called the V-Band?

The V is short for Vitruvian; a nod to the ancient architect and physical philosopher immortalized by the famous Da Vinci sketch in his name. Vitruvian man represents a human being fully expressed in proportions aligned with nature and the greater universe.

How strong is the band?

Strong enough to last a lifetime under normal use constraints. Avoid sharp objects to prevent nicks or tears. This band is not rated like a resistance band, but the break force necessary to snap is over 100lbs.

What is Fascia?

The connective tissue that surrounds our muscles, organs, and entire bodies. It can be as flexible as silicone and as strong as tensile steel. New research is beginning to reveal the integral part fascia plays in our ability to feel good & participate in life.

What are the benefits of opening up the fascia?

Opening up the fascia can get us out of pain, activating the body's natural healing and growth processes. You'll feel better, move better, and be less stressed. The V-Band aims to improve your range of motion, increase functional strength, and make fascial maneuvers more accessible.

The Intention

"I set out to create a simple, portable design for light exercise, fascial release and flow. To amplify emerging movement philosophies and healing modalities so we can open up to our fullest expressions.

I am proud to share this first iteration V-Band and invite you into an evolving conversation about where this product line goes next."

-Matt - Founder & CEO